Let The Light Shine

Matthew 5:14

Remembering LKY

Seeing my friends mounting the Guard of Honor for Mr LKY makes me reminisce about my NS life. Those days where we dread to do ceremonies and parades. This would be one ceremony which I will be honored to be standing guard. But do not wish to as well. NS have given me the opportunity to be in close proximity with many important figures such as Lee Hsien Long, Tony Tan, Shinzo Abe many others head of state, royalties and PMs. However, no parade has given me as much joy as NDP48. I was standing at the entrance where ESM Goh Chok Tong and the late LKY will be entering. The cheers and smiles erupted on their entrance is one that will always touch my heart and be remembered.

Despite all the detractors out there, we can’t deny that he is the face of Singapore. Reading all the legit but weak arguments by haters. Some may say it was the other founding fathers that supported him. But so as many big organization, one is needed to lead and be out there, to be the face. Mr Lee Kuan Yew was the one. Listening and watching how other foreign leaders heap praises on him and giving him the highest respect tells us he’s more that just a face. He has substance! Others may say he was over controlling in terms of law and economy. But without that, what worth would our citizenship be?

Not to say I’m entirely pleased. But giving credit where it’s due. Visionary and respectable man. Passing of one great man. Thank you for all that you have done. #rememberinglky

Watch NDP 48 Video


VIDEO: At Istana main gate, 24 Ceremonial Guards from the SAFMPC have formed a line of honour.

Only Time Will Tell.


Kids in Cambodia

Unknown to the cruelty of this world, we grew up. Unknown to our parent’s rage, we did something wrong. Unknown to our school results, we studied all we could(maybe not for everyone.) Unknown to the uncertainties in school, we graduated. Unknown to our career path, we took that first step. Unknown to where a relationship could go, we commit our love. Unknown to consequences or to successes, we did what we have done. Indeed, only Time could tell how wonderful or how distasteful this moment can be. Only those seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years that have records of our whole life could illustrate out our real stories.

Was having two separate conversation with two friends. In both chats, the phrase “only time will tell” was mentioned. Coincidentally, I’m reading a book titled ‘The Time Keeper’ by Mitch Albom. Took sometime to ponder upon how Time have slowly narrate out my life story as each second passes.

Above all, there’s One that knows all these before Time did. I believe.

Prayer: “Driven by love, driven to love”

Was reading through some old cards found one that said I live out the example of what I always teach. And that is “Driven by love, driven to love”.
Quite amazed by that tag line I believe I invented! Haha.

Just so amazing to see how God’s love have driven me in the past. Reading through some affirmation cards most were saying they appreciate me for taking the effort to talk to them and being a friend to them.

Looking back it certainly isn’t me. I’m not a friendly person by nature. Too lazy to even take initiative or too lazy to get to know someone all over again. It was definitely God’s love that drove me to love all those people that God has put along my path.

I pray that I will be driven by God’s love once again. All that I do will be done with God’s love in my mind and heart.


Project Sparkle 2014.

Project Sparkle 2014 was indeed an eye opener for me. As much as I dread to do the clean up and all, I was praying that I will see what God sees and I will have compassion for his people! To be honest, elderly ain’t a group of people who I have had compassion for. I mean I see future in youths, I see the need of God in youths and adults but elderly is a group I’ve never put much thought into before. That explains why I was a little reluctant to wake up so early to do this project! But I was wronged. Indeed, God open up our eyes to the things unseen.

Okay I forget her name but I think her nick is Na Na. Age around 75? Anw, this wonderful lady ain’t the stereotypical kinda elderly that you would think of when we talk about 1 room flats or financial beneficiaries etc… I would presume that these elderlies would be quite pessimistic, leading a mundane and boring retirement life. However, I was wrong. Very wrong indeed. Firstly, greeted with such a warm smile and such great hospitality. Helped her clean up some windows and toilet. Other than that her house was neat and tidy! Talked to her, she keep saying how happy she was seeing us there. She was a teacher. She spoke with much wisdom! Talked to her for an hour or two? Saw how discipline she was. Keeping a healthy lifestyle and doing stuffs that keep her physical, mental and spiritual health in check. Saw how she kept learning even until this age. She shared that she use to go library during her free time and her favorite read would be medical books! Learning about her own body sickness etc… She also keep encouraging us to keep praying and keep reading bible. “一定要天天祷告,天天读圣经。” Had a mini ‘sermon’ on a day without service haha. But nonetheless, truly encouraged. As we were leaving she keep saying how happy and thankful she was having us there today. Lastly, when we left, she ask me so what am I doing after army? I was like “Don’t know yet. Ask God about it first” She was like yes that’s right!!  With an excited smile on her face she said “不管做什么,我们都应该请求神的指点!”(whatever we do we must seek God first!) Then had another 5 mins sharing on seeking God first in whatever we do. At last, we left with much encouragement, much joy, much more faith and hope seeing how closely she hold God in her life at such an age. I mean, after going through and seeing so much things in life yet she still can believe that God is the one and only God for her! That God must be something man!

Instead of leaving more tired or instead of having prove myself right that this event was sorta boring, I left with more compassion and Joy for God and his people! Reminded of Hosanna…

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdom’s cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

Photo 4-1-14 3 27 50 pm (1)

Thankful for today indeed!


A really eventful year! I don’t even know where to start this.

Saw how I slowly get use to being a soldier. Went through mid NS crisis. Learned to be more independent. Learned more about myself. Worry more about my future. Overcame obstacles.

From the start of the year when i just transit from a trainee soldier to a full fledge perm staff(trained soldier) in MP command, Instead of having the sense of accomplishment, sense of lost slowly creep in. Life was less challenging. Everything in NS is just so mundane. Just sick of the usual habitual routine of a ‘lao jiao’ soldier. All it does was to play with your mind(mental strength)! And NS being NS, the people inside are crazily fun! Haha everything was tempting! Certainly did some stupid stuffs with some crazy people. But found all these fun meaningless. I mean it was fun at that moment. Thankful for the friendship built but then the happiness was just for the moment. But so i thought is this how God want my life to be? Just letting fun times fill up my sense of lost and sadness?

And it certainly didn’t help that I started my year like this. Full of uncertainties and too much ‘fun’ times. As days and months pass by, my life just slowly sapped away. Don’t see God in my life anymore. Not just God. I lost the joy I always had (even as a non-believer.) However, through this tough time I saw how God gave me a strong mental strength to motivate myself and pick myself up. Sick of the ‘black’ face i have worn on for a few mths. I decided to do something about it. To regain the joy i once had and held so dearly.

This 2 songs. Remind me of God’s love and promises in my life!

And this video. Wonderful reminder about small things that shows us God is omnipresent!

Had wonderful friends that supported me through out. And one that really stood out was a friend that said this..
“No matter what you’re going through, you must keep your values.” A time where the world is overtaking me. Temptations overwhelming me. That sentence woke me up. Re align my life before it went haywire. Thank you friend.

A year where army consume my life, my life shone a glimpse of light to show that God is still real in my life.

Thankful for this year. Becoming MP, gng BKK, gng Cambodia, doing certain memorable parades, strengthening certain friendships, making new friends, discovering love for kids (HAHA!), discovering love for books, discovering more about myself and lastly learning from my failures. Definitely looking forward to next year! Taiwan, ORD etc…(refuse to mention uni/work) Pray that it goes smoothly! Anything may come my way. But whatever that comes I pray that I will let God guide me through.